About WCSC
Windcone Sales Company has manufactured windsocks and windsock frames in Texas since 1942. We are a third generation family run business and are proud of being a Made in the USA company.
We supply both domestic and international aviation, oil and gas, chemical and safety industries with high quality industrial windsocks. Our customers include the military, major airports, oil and gas companies, transportation departments as well as many other industries.
We use the best materials available to produce high quality and long lasting windsocks and windsock frames. Click here for more information about our products.
Interested in becoming a distributor of our products? Please email info@windconesales.com or call 888-831-2951. You may also apply for an account through our website and will receive a response within 1 business day.
If you are a retail customer interested in our products, please ask you favorite supply company if they carry our products or visit www.LoneStarWindsocks.com to purchase online.